Foothills Amateur Radio Society Membership Meeting on Friday October 23

*Foothills Amateur Radio Society Membership Meeting on Friday October 23*

This month we are again offering a virtual meeting on Zoom.  Visitors are welcome.  Connection information will be posted on FARS web site shortly before the meeting at <>.

*Date*:  Friday, October 23, 2020

*Location*:  This is a virtual meeting via Zoom

*Time*:  7:00 pm start connecting; 7:30 pm meeting starts

*Presentation*: Repeaters To Go… Wild

In addition to FARS, this presentation will also be given at an upcoming WVARA meeting on December 9.

*Speaker*:  Steve Sergeant, KC6ZKT

*Summary*: What if you’re organizing a backcountry event where there is no communications infrastructure?  It’s the kind of problem that amateur radio operators are uniquely suited to solve.  What if your repeater site is only accessible on foot?  Then you need a portable repeater system that can be carried to site in a backpack.  Steve will talk about design requirements for highly portable repeaters systems, and show and demonstrate two 70-cm systems he has built for public service events, and review events where they were used.

*About the speaker*:  Steve Sergeant is a third-generation ham.  Originally licensed Novice class in 1972, his licensed expired, but in 1991 he was granted KC6ZKT as a Technician and has since upgraded to Extra.  Steve has a long career in audio engineering for professional and later consumer audio system integration. He currently works at Dolby Laboratories as an Applications Engineer.  Steve is on the boards of the WVARA and the Nature Sounds Society.  He is also a volunteer backpacking instructor for the Sierra Club, who teaches in ultralight techniques, and a Uniformed Volunteer for California State Parks at Henry Coe State Park.


An article by a FARS member is in the forthcoming November issue of /QEX/ magazine.  Available to all ARRL members at <>.

The California Historical Radio Society offers a YouTube channel of videos on radio history topics: <>.

Steve Stearns, K6OIK
Vice President
Foothills Amateur Radio Society <>

October 14 – Virtual Meeting

WVARA’s monthly meeting will be at 7pm on Wednesday, October 14, via Zoom.  (Zoom instructions can be found at the end of this email.)
At this month’s meeting, Dave Brown (WR6Z) will give a virtual presentation on How to Get On 900 MHz

Looking forward to seeing you at our virtual meeting.
Jim, K6EIWVARA Vice President

Screen Shot 2020-10-07 at 3.18.14 PM.png

Meeting Topic:  The 902-928MHz amateur band poses some interesting obstacles to get on the air and operate as there are no amateur specific radios commonly available.  This makes the band ideal for the ham radio DIY experimenter to get on the air and is not expensive to do so.  This presentation will cover the origins of the 900MHz ham band, how to obtain and modify equipment to get on the air and where to operate.

A Bay Area native, Dave Brown was first licensed in 1977 as WD6EBC and later upgraded to the extra class, changing call signs to WR6Z.  Being active in the hobby since he was first licensed, he enjoys building projects, working on radio equipment as well as operating portable on HF, VHF and UHF.  A graduate from Cal Poly, SLO he has worked in the field of electrical engineering for over 30 years specializing in RF, mixed signal and power management systems.  He is an active WVARA member and is currently working in R&D application engineering focused on semiconductor products for mobile platforms at Kinetic Technologies, Inc.

Zoom Meeting Specifics: Topic: WVARA MonthlyTime: Oct 14, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)   

 Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 825 0982 6854Passcode: 226249One tap mobile+16699006833,,82509826854#,,,,,,0#,,226249# US (San Jose)+12532158782,,82509826854#,,,,,,0#,,226249# US (Tacoma)

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Meeting ID: 825 0982 6854Passcode: 226249 Find your local number:

September Virtual Meeting

Meeting Topic:  WVARA and the California QSO Party (CQP) • WVARA’s history in CQP
• Five ways that WVARA members can have fun in CQP 2020
• Suggested WVARA game plan for CQP 2020 — which occurs the first weekend of October.  
Dean Wood (N6DE) works as a hardware design engineer for networking companies in Silicon Valley.  Dean’s involvement with WVARA spans two decades, with responsibilities including past WVARA President, Vice President, Secretary, Board Member, Field Day Coordinator, Flea Market helper, meeting presenter, and other things I’ve forgotten.  Dean’s involvement with CQP includes:

Participated in his first CQP in 1995 as a college student

Current member of CQP organizing team and CQP County Coordinator

Current holder of 15 CQP records: 12 county records and 3 overall CA records (Top CA S/O Expedition, Top CA S/O-Assisted Low Power, Top CA School)

Been on 14 county expeditions to 10 different counties

Long time active helper behind the scenes in CQP, including log checker, publicity coordinator and several other things

Time: Sept 9, 2020 19:00 PDT 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 5230 1029
Password: w6piy       

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+16699006833,,83252301029#,,1#,028366# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,83252301029#,,1#,028366# US (Houston)

Or you can dial by your location
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
Meeting ID: 832 5230 1029 (Dial-in audio password: 028366)

Annual bBQ Cancelled

I have been notified by Sunnyvale’s management that all city park reservations for the month of August have been cancelled due to Covid-19.  As a result, we will not be holding our annual BBQ in Sunnyvale’s Bayland Park on August 15. 

Jim Peterson

June 10 Virtual Meeting

Due to the coronavirus, this month’s WVARA meeting will not be held at the Red Cross Building. Instead, we will hold a virtual meeting via Zoom at 7pm on Wednesday, June 10.  At this month’s meeting, Jim Deloach (WU0I) will give a virtual presentation on his Field Day operation from a remote location in the wilds of Southeast Alaska.  

Time: Jun 10, 2020 19:00 Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 5230 1029
Password: w6piy     

I have placed my Alaska DXpedition presentation on my website here:

Tales of an Alaskan Field Day:   Have you ever wanted to participate in a DXpedition but did not want to wander too far or spend a lot of money?  Then you should try Alaska!  Alaska makes a great vacation destination, it is rare enough and exotic enough (with its own DXCC listing) to be a fun DX spot, and adding an Amateur Radio component to your vacation is easier than you think!  In his presentation, Jim explains how he and his lovely XYL mounted a Field Day DXpedition to Alaska in 2017, and nearly won the state! 

Jim DeLoach, WU0I, is a Silicon Valley wireless and location technology systems engineer specialized in data analytics, field testing, product definition, and tools development.  For fun, Jim loves to build high-performance temporary contest stations, but prefers to get out of the way and let the real operators take over as soon as the station is up and running!  Jim and XYL Maggie (KK6DZS) are WVARA members, live in Sunnyvale, and love to travel.  Jim can be reached at

May 13 Virtual Meeting

This month’s WVARA meeting will be held via Zoom at 7pm on Wednesday, May 13.  George Zafiropoulos (KJ6VU) will give a virtual presentation on PackTennas — lightweight, compact, portable HF antenna systems ideal for a simple, solo Field Day.  George will tell us the story of these antennas, explain their design, and give tips on how to get the most from them.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 862 9232 4465
Password: 505589

April 8, Virtual Meeting

Due to the coronavirus, the April WVARA meeting will NOT be held at the Red Cross Building. Instead, we will hold a virtual meeting via Zoom at 7pm on Wednesday, April 8. 

At this month’s meeting Edison Fong, WB6IQN, will bring us up to speed on DMR (Digital Mobile Radio).  This mode is getting really popular.  The radios cost about $100-$150 depending on the quality you want.  All of them  also have conventional FM.  DMR is a full digital format that is interfaced via the internet where one can 24/7 talk all over the world.  The dream of working DX sitting on your couch is here.  Since it is an open system originally set up  by Motorola there are over 15 manufacturers of DMR radios – both hand held and mobiles.  Learn how to get register as a DMR user, where to purchase a radio, how to program the radio and talk to the world without depending on propagation conditions.

Ed is a design consultant and has worked at Loral Space System, Microsoft and National Semiconductor. He has 25 years of experience in analog design for communications, data conversion and RF systems. Fong has 12 issued patents and has published more than 40 papers. He is a senior member of the IEEE. He also is on the faculty of UC Santa Cruz Silicon Valley, where he teaches RF Wireless Communications and I/O Design Fundamentals. 
Looking forward to seeing you at Wednesday’s VIRTUAL meeting!Jim, K6EIWVARA Vice President

Join Zoom Meeting on Apr 8, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Meeting ID: 660 067 844

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,660067844# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,660067844# US (Houston)

Dial by your location
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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        +1 253 215 8782 US
        +1 301 715 8592 US
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 660 067 844