WVARA’s December 9 Zoom Meeting: “Repeaters To Go… Wild”
WVARA will not be holding a holiday party this year. Instead, we will hold a standard monthly Zoom meeting on Wednesday, December 9. Steve Sergeant, KC6ZKT, will tell us about: “Repeaters To Go… Wild”. Zoom details will be released via the WVARA email reflector. If you aren’t yet a WVARA member and would like to attend this meeting, feel free to contact Jim Peterson, K6EI, via k6ei@wvara.org.

Summary: What if you’re organizing a backcountry event where there is no communications infrastructure? It’s the kind of problem that amateur radio operators are uniquely suited to solve. What if your repeater site is only accessible on foot? Then you need a portable repeater system that can be carried to site in a backpack. Steve will talk about design requirements for highly portable repeaters systems, and show and demonstrate two 70-cm systems he has built for public service events, and review events where they were used.