WVARA’s monthly meeting will be at 7pm on Wednesday, October 14, via Zoom. (Zoom instructions can be found at the end of this email.)
At this month’s meeting, Dave Brown (WR6Z) will give a virtual presentation on How to Get On 900 MHz.
Looking forward to seeing you at our virtual meeting.
Jim, K6EIWVARA Vice President

Meeting Topic: The 902-928MHz amateur band poses some interesting obstacles to get on the air and operate as there are no amateur specific radios commonly available. This makes the band ideal for the ham radio DIY experimenter to get on the air and is not expensive to do so. This presentation will cover the origins of the 900MHz ham band, how to obtain and modify equipment to get on the air and where to operate.
A Bay Area native, Dave Brown was first licensed in 1977 as WD6EBC and later upgraded to the extra class, changing call signs to WR6Z. Being active in the hobby since he was first licensed, he enjoys building projects, working on radio equipment as well as operating portable on HF, VHF and UHF. A graduate from Cal Poly, SLO he has worked in the field of electrical engineering for over 30 years specializing in RF, mixed signal and power management systems. He is an active WVARA member and is currently working in R&D application engineering focused on semiconductor products for mobile platforms at Kinetic Technologies, Inc.
Zoom Meeting Specifics: Topic: WVARA MonthlyTime: Oct 14, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZYod-CgrD0iH9BslXI74UAM2QFMhePvTO3Q/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGqqzsjEtaTuByDRpwQGYigXfzzpiFHgvp_jxPdKncHVyLbZNNkH7p6IM7k
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Meeting ID: 825 0982 6854Passcode: 226249 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdSzPLLbNq