2024 Meeting Schedule
Date | Speaker | Topic |
January 10 | Clay Couger (N5YJZ) Scott Nacey (KK6IK) | Parks-On-The-Air (POTA) See post for more details. |
February 7 ATTENTION: One week earlier just for this month! | Dr Richard G Ranson, G3ZTB | The care and feeding of your nanoVNA. See post for more details. |
March 13 | We will discuss what worked in 2023 and a few changes that are in-store for 2024 | |
April 10 | Ralph Simpson | Secret radio communications during WW2 and the cracking of Enigma |
May 8 | Mark Aaker, K6UFO | How to be more effective at FT8 contesting |
June 12 | Ed Fong, WB6IQN | uSDX+ ultra compact transceiver & Finalize Field Day plans |
June 21-23 | FIELD DAY AT MORA HILL | |
July/August | No evening Meetings in July or August | |
August 10 | Annual BBQ at Badlands Park, Owl Burrow Picnic Area, 11:00am – 2:00pm | |
September 11 | Jeff Kabel, AA6XE | Digital Signal Processing (DSP) |
October 9 | Scott Nacey, KK6IK Tim Stehle, KN6FGH | Reducing RF noise in your shack Group discussion on plans for WVARA’s upcoming POTA / beach party, scheduled for November 9 |
November 13 | ||
December 11 |
2023 Meeting schedule
Date | Speaker | Topic |
February 8 | Steve Sergeant, KC6ZKT | Winter Field Day Highlights & The Model-T of Computers |
March 8 | Paul Wesling, KM6LH | Silicon Valley’s Ham Radio Roots. View the edited video of the talk (48:50, plus Q&A with Steve Wozniak WA6BND): View Video |
April 12 | Kristen McIntyre, K6WX | A Wire in the Air: What Matters Most |
April 23 | Field Day Antenna Clean-up & Prep at Svend’s QTH | |
May 10 | Jim Peterson, K6EI | All Things Field Day! |
May 27 | Field Day Antenna Party in Sunnyvale | |
June 14 | Jim Moss, N9JIM | ARDEN Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network |
June 23-25 | FIELD DAY AT MORA HILL | |
September 13 | Dean Wood, N6DE | Update on plans for the California QSO Party |
October 11 | Jim Peterson, K6EI | Reducing your RF exposure risk |
November 8 | Ed Fong, WB6IQN | Ed will explain how PLL’s work in a non mathematical presentation. |
2022 Meeting schedule
Date | Speaker | Topic |
January 12 | Tim Duffy, K3LR | Grounding/Bonding for RFI Mitigation |
February 9 | Bryan Klofas, KF6ZEO | “12 grams Around the World: Picoballoons and Radiosondes” |
March 9 | Michelle Paquette AA6MP | The theory behind compact loop antennas |
April 13 |
Jim Peterson, K6EI | Top Band — the 160 meters band |
May 11 | Jim Peterson, K6EI | All Things Field Day |
June 8 | Stan Dye, KC7ZXE | Fun with Nano VNAs |
July 13 | No Meeting | |
August 10 | No Meeting | |
August 13 | Annual BBQ – 11am at Sunnyvale’s Baylands Park | |
September 14 | Dean Wood, N6DE | Updates on plans for the California QSO Party |
October 12 | Jim Peterson, K6EI, | Update on how to detect, identify, locate, and reduce Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) around your station. |
November 10 | Steve Sergeamt, KC6ZKT | Winter Field Day Plans |
December 17 | HOLIDAY PARTY / BBQ, 11am – 1pm, Saturday, Silicon Valley Red Cross Building Patio on the east-facing side of the facility. We can shift indoors to Room 3 if it rains. The Red Cross building is at 2731 N. First Street at Plumeria Drive (southwest corner) in San Jose. If you haven’t been to the Red Cross in a while, “talk-in” is usually available on the Association’s repeaters. Best choice would be 2m/220. |
Previous meetings can be viewed on our Meetings History Page.
Now you can renew your 2023 membership with PayPal. It is fast and easy. Visit the membership page for all details.
You can write to the WVARA at:
West Valley Amateur Radio Association
P.O. Box 6544
San Jose, CA 95150-6544