Category Archives: News

February Meeting – Wednesday, January 14th 2018 – RTTY

Hello Everyone!

It’s time for our February WVARA meeting. Please join us this Wednesday (February 14th) at 7pm in Meeting Room 5 at the Silicon Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross, 2731 N. First Street at Plumeria Drive (southwest corner) in San Jose.  Most of us come in through the side entrance on the southwest side of the building — look for our red WVARA sign on the side where they park all the Red Cross trucks. Cookies will be served, and of course, visitors are welcome!

If you haven’t been to the Red Cross, “talk-in” is usually available on the Association’s repeaters, normally 2m/220 are good choices.

A few of us usually meet for dinner a block down the street around 6 pm prior to the meeting, and anyone is welcome to join

For this Valentine’s day meeting, I’m going to tell you why I love HF digital modes and cover some of the basics in getting started with RTTY, FT8, JT65 as well as some advanced topics. If you’ve traditionally stuck with CW or Voice modes, there are many DX and contest contacts you’re missing out on! FT8 is even starting to show up in DXpeditions and there are some interesting changes around that planned for a future version of WSJT-X that you’ll hear about here first. We won’t be able to cover everything, but I hope to recruit you in our digital efforts at a future WVARA Field Day. Also, the RTTY edition of the North America QSO Party contest is Saturday, February 24th. Get on and make a few contacts!
Hope to see you there!
Bill, W9KKN

January Meeting – Wednesday, January 10th 2018 – Wake Atoll DXpedition

It’s time for our first WVARA meeting of 2018. Please join us this Wednesday (Jan 10th) at 7pm in Meeting Room 5 at the Silicon Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross, 2731 N. First Street at Plumeria Drive (southwest corner) in San Jose.  Most of us come in through the side entrance on the southwest side of the building — look for our red WVARA sign on the side where they park all the Red Cross trucks.  Cookies will be served, and of course, visitors are welcome!

If you haven’t been to the Red Cross, “talk-in” is usually available on the Association’s repeaters, normally 2m/220 are good choices.

A few of us usually meet for dinner a block down the street around 6 pm prior to the meeting, and anyone is welcome to join. We’ll try to mix the pre-meeting restaurant up a bit this year, but we’ll start with

John Miller will be talking to us about the 2013 K9W DXpedition to Wake Atoll. John has been on many DXpeditions and always tells an awesome story.
John’s Bio:  

John was first licensed as WV2BQJ in 1958 while living in Syracuse, NY.  In 1976, John’s career took him to Silicon Valley, where he reconnected with amateur radio in the late 90s.  In addition to his own website, he has created websites for a number of amateur radio organizations:
For the last decade, John has focused heavily on DXing, contesting, and recruiting new operators into the hobby.
John is a member of ARRL, INDEXA, MLDXCC, and PAARA. He is Past-President of the Northern California Contest Club, a Director of the Northern California DX Club, a founding member of the CW Operators’ Club, a member of the editorial staff of the National Contest Journal, and a Director of the Northern California DX Foundation.
Hope to see you there!

FARS-WVARA Joint Winter Banquet on Jan 19

This year, it isn’t just a FARS banquet – we are co-sponsoring the event. Come on out and enjoy the evening! Just be sure to bring cash for the raffle, as the ATM was recently removed.

Date: Friday, January 19.

Signup deadline: Postal, January 12, online January 15.

Michael’s at Shoreline
2960 No. Shoreline Blvd
Mountain View, CA

Further information signup link, raffle prizes etc.:
      The raffle 1st prize will be an Elecraft KX2 transceiver.

Schedule:   6:00PM – Open Bar (No Host)
            7:00PM – Dinner
            8:00PM – Presentation
            9:00PM – Announcements, Awards, Raffle

Presentation Title:  The Pre-Silicon History of Radio in Santa Clara Valley and the Peninsula

Summary:  Early radio development history including local figures Lee De Forest, Charles “Doc” Herrold and others.

Mike Adams

About the Speaker:  Mike Adams has been a radio personality and a film maker.  Currently he is professor emeritus of radio, television, and film at San Jose State University, where he has been a department chair and the Associate Dean of the College of Humanities and the Arts. Adams has taught at the Shanghai Theatre Academy School of Television and Film.  As a researcher and writer of broadcast and early technology history, he created two award-winning documentaries for PBS, the Emmy-nominated “Radio Collector,” and “Broadcasting’s Forgotten Father.”  Mike is the Board Chair of the California Historical Radio Society, CHRS.  For his service to historical radio research and publication he received the AWA (Antique Wireless Association) Houck Award, the SCARS (Southern California Historical Radio Society) President’s Award, the TCA (Tube Collectors of America) Stokes Award, the RCA (Radio Club of America) Ralph Batcher Award, and he was named a CHRS History Fellow.  He has had published numerous articles and six books, including Lee de Forest, King of Radio, Television and Film, 2012, Springer Science, The Radio Boys and Girls: Radio, Telegraph, Telephone and Wireless Adventures for Juvenile Readers, 1890-1945, McFarland Press, 2015, and Columbus Radio, Arcadia, 2016.