This month’s WVARA meeting will be held in-person at 7pm on Wednesday, February 8, in Meeting Room 3 at the Silicon Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross, 2731 N. First Street at Plumeria Drive (southwest corner) in San Jose. If you haven’t been to the Red Cross in a while, “talk-in” is usually available on the Association’s repeaters. Best choice would be 2m/220.
This month’s presenter is none other than our own Steve Sergeant, KC6ZKT. Steve will cover some of the highlights of our recent Winter Field Day adventure, followed by a fascinating presentation, “The Model-T of Computers”. This talk explores two ground-breaking examples of technologies that changed our society. Each one changed important things about how people lived and how civilization worked. As we evolve our technical skills, can we resist the social changes that they bring? Should we?
Steve Sergeant holds an Amateur Extra class license, and is a third-generation ham. He has held lead technical roles for companies that brought digital audio to the music industry and digital video to the largest television broadcasters. Steve currently works as a senior staff engineer at Dolby Laboratories, helping manufacturers design the next generation of high-end audio/video equipment. His colleagues there like to call him their “expert generalist.”
BTW, several of us meet for dinner prior to the meeting at 5:45pm nearby at Disn-N-Dash (2551 N. 1st St. San Jose): Some WVARA members also dine at Panera Bread a few miles further to the south at 503 Coleman Avenue at Autumn Parkway at the San Jose Market Center. Feel free to drop by either location for dinner.
Although we will be meeting in person, Steve’s presentation will also be streamed via Zoom.
.Jim, K6EI
WVARA Vice President