September 13 Meeting

Don’t forget about our meeting this month. The Field Day high has worn off, and it’s time to get back to our rigs. This month, we have two speakers. We’ll also meet at Dish-n-Dash at 6pm on 1st and Trimble.

George Williams will talk to us about the NCDXC Elmer project (, what it is, and how it could help (or be helped) by each of you. With the new faces that have joined in recently, we should be reminded to take the time to give back to the hobby some of what we have gotten out of it.

Victor Bubbett will talk to us about how Coe State Park uses amateur radio for some of their activities. You may recall Steve Stearns’ talk on VHF propagation and the use of Radio Mobile for link planning. The example he was using was his planning for a Coe State Park event. Victor is a uniformed volunteer for the park, and pretty much drives all the amateur radio events, including the Backpackers Weekend, Hunting Hollow Run Run, and others. He enlists the aid of people like Steve to make these events successful, organizes them, and makes sure the event has good communications in areas that don’t normally have it.