Membership is available to all persons interested in Amateur radio. There is no screening process or sponsorship required to become a member. To become a member, contact the Association Treasurer, Association Treasurer. We encourage prospective members to sign up for membership at our meetings. Membership related correspondence and renewals can be mailed to the Association mailbox: P.O. Box 6544, San Jose, CA 95150-6544.
2025 Annual Association Dues Individual $15.00 Family $25.00 Family Membership includes all licensed Hams living with you. Be sure to send their names & call signs to the Treasurer. Renew or join with “After you have completed your Paypal transaction, please send a note to the Association Treasurer, noting any changes in call sign, address, e-mail address, or phone number. If you are joining for the first time, send this personal information to the treasurer.”
Individual Association Membership $15.00 Family Association Membership $25.00 Also advise the Roster/Database Manager of any changes to your address, phone number, ARRL membership status, and, especially Callsign/License class. Also, updated email address.