The weekend between 1/28/and 1/29/2023 marked another successful Winter Field Day endeavor for our association.
Originally scheduled to be held in Henry Coe Park, bad weather forced us to “relocate” to Mt. Madonna County Park.
The day started cold and foggy…
But we set up successfully and celebrated appropriately:
more setup:
Green light @ 11:00 AM PST on 1/28/2023:
And, of course, a gift from mother nature to make the experience truly unforgettable:
This was my first Winter Field Day but I highly recommend it to all the WVARA members. Join us next year! You will be glad ! ! !
Max – W6BG
It’s not to late to add your name to the list of folks getting the new WVARA mug to be produced locally by WVARA club member Brian Goldberg, KG6BKI. We’ll be charging $12 per mug and will be giving Brian the final order list immediately after next month’s Holiday Party. So be sure to let me know if you would like a mug. (You can pay Peri, our club treasurer, when you pick up your mug at January’s meeting.)
For a larger view visit our Photo Page.