Category Archives: News

Electronics Flea Market

Hello West Valley members,

As you are planning your family’s summer schedule, please keep in mind that West Valley ARA has the concession for the Electronics Flea Market on Saturday, September 14th.

We will set up the parking lot, deploy out garbage cans, set up tables and the refreshment tent, sell cold drinks, coffee and doughnuts and clean up afterwards.  As such, we will need as much help as possible. Many hands spread the work around.

As many of you know, WVARA does not meet in July or August and the September meeting will be just a few days before the Flea Market, so as the time approaches, reminders will be posted and sign-ups will be solicited.  This is our major fund-raising effort for the year.

Please remember, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2019 at Fry’s Electronics in Sunnyvale, starts early.


Dave Schultheis
WB6KHP San Jose
Director, WVARA

Field Day 2019

Once again, a photo of WVARA’s Field Day operation on Mora Hill has landed within the pages of QST.  Take a look at page 88 of the May issue.  (And congrats to Bill Frantz for his excellent photographic talent!)

ARRL Field Day 2019

Field Day June 21-23

Field Day is June 21-23, and this year WVARA will be participating in the 9 Alpha Battery category. Here’s a tentative list of the HF band captains and equipment based on last year’s event.  

Feel free to let me know if you have additional information or suggested changes:

Band     Mode  Captain    Rig            Laptop
20/160   SSB   Jack B     K3 (Jack’s)    Jack
40/10    SSB   Mark S     K3 (Mark’s)    Mark
80/15    SSB   Jon K      K3 (Jon’s)     Jon

20       CW    Greg O     K3 (Greg’s)    Bill Fehring
40       CW    Jim P      K3 (Jim’s)     Bill Fehring
80/15    CW    Jim P      KX3(Jim’s)     Bill Fehring

TBD  Digital  Bill AE6JV  K3 (AE6JV’s)   AE6JV
TBD  Digital  TBD         TBD            TBD

GOTA    SSB    Kevin      KX3 (AE6JV’s)  TBD

Jim Peterson

70th International DX Convention

The 70th International DX Convention in Visalia is coming up soon:  April 12-14, 2019.
Online pre-registration closes this Saturday, March 30th at 5:00 PM PDT.  If you register before the deadline, we’ll have your nice registration packet waiting for you in Visalia and you’ll be eligible for a special pre-registration prize.
Currently 558 avid DXers (and contesters) have pre-registered for IDXC, including 40 DX visitors and 79 first-time attendees.
Why do folks attend IDXC?
• Learn something new 
• See the latest ham radio gear
• Get QSL cards checked
• Meet a famous DXpeditoner
• Take home a nice raffle prize
• Operate the special event station
• Experience the latest hotel cuisine : >)
• Eyeball QSOs: just happy to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones
Raffle prizes ?  Check out this awesome list — pure Eye Candy.
Go for it.  Pre-Register now:
Hope to CU there !
73, John Miller, K6MM
Rich Seifert, KE1B
Co-Chairs, IDXC 2019

Electronics Flea Market

I want to alert all of you that the Electronics Flea Market season is starting very soon.

We have received an agreement from Fry’s Electronics to hold the flea market at their Sunnyvale location again for 2019.

We have looked at the costs for 2019 and determined that the fee for this season will be $600 per event. You should use this number for planning and budgeting purposes. We will begin sending out the official invoices to the first groups early next week once the ASVARO board has approved it.

The following is the planned schedule for the flea market in 2019:

2019 Schedule – Electronics Flea Market

Saturday Mar.   9Flea Market – Hosted by Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association. 
Saturday Apr.  13Flea Market – Hosted by South Peninsula Amateur Radio Klub. 
Saturday May  11Flea Market – Hosted by Santa Clara County Amateur Radio Association. 
Saturday June   8Flea Market – Hosted by Southern Peninsula Emergency Communications System. 
Saturday July  13Flea Market – Hosted by Foothills Amateur Radio Society. 
Saturday Aug. 10Flea Market – Hosted by Silicon Valley Emergency Communications System. 
Saturday Sep.  14Flea Market – Hosted by West Valley Amateur Radio Association. 

— Mikel Lechner

February 13 Meeting

Tonight, Wednesday February 13th, we will be having, via Zoom, Dave Casler, telling us about Digital HF Modes!

Dave’s Biography is in the Het, And he has Hundreds Of Presentations on UTUBE, covering Topics from your 1st Station, To courses on Technician, General and Extra Licenses, helpings Thousands Of People Get Their licences!

I’m Sure that we’ll All enjoy and Learn from Dave’s Presentation Tonight!

I’ll look forward to seeing you at tonight’s meeting!

Many will be at Dish-n-Dash for pre-meeting dinner.

Amateur Radio Annual Winter Banquet (sponsored by FARS)

Amateur Radio Annual Winter Banquet (sponsored by FARS)

Friday, February 15, 2019 – 6:00 PM

Highlights from the Archives: Early Amateur Radio and Accounts of SOS Calls

Presented by Bob Rydzewski, KJ6SBR, California Historical Radio Society (CHRS)

Reservations Required

WVARA has again been invited to join the Foothill Amateur Radio Society (FARS) for their annual Amateur Radio Winter Banquet at Michael’s restaurant in Shoreline Park. Many WVARA members enjoyed the event and won prizes last year.

This event is open to anyone who wants to attend, but reservations are required. Bring a spouse or a friend, and, of course, bring a few dollars for the raffle. There are over $1,500 in great prizes. See

All sign-ups should be received by 6:00 PM on February 11th. You can sign up online on FARS web site using PayPal. Or you can download and mail a paper reservation form with a check. Mailed sign-ups should be posted by February 7th to be received on time.

Annual Holiday party

Wednesday, December 12th, WVARA is Having it’s Annual Holiday Party.We will be meeting at the American Red Cross, on the corner of 1st Street And Plumeria At 7:00pm in our usual meeting room. The affair is, as usual, a “Pot Luck” where we are treated to some Great “Special” dishes that our members bring to delight our tastebuds each year! People with Last Names beginning A-M please bring a “Main Dish” And People whose Last Names beginning M-Z Please bring a dessert! 

We have some Great “Door Prizes” this year, with some “One-Of-A-Kind” Items That Have Never Been Available At Any Of our Holiday Parties in years past! 

Please arrive early, to help set-up the tables if you can. All members And their guests are Welcome to attend our Holiday Party, So Come One And Come All, To our Best Party Of the Year! 

Hope to see You There! -73-Bill N6FFC 2019 Vice President elect West Valley Amateur Radio Association — 

QST FD Results

The December issue of QST came out today in digital form. It contains the Field Day results.

The top four:
W3AO 33942 15A
W4EZ 21645 9AB
K6EI        19720 14AB
W4IY 16988 9A

We were just under 2000 points behind W4EZ, while Watching 4IY was a bit less than 3000 points behind us.
A couple of thoughts –
1) it might be interesting to get with the EZ folks and see if we can get a friendly / collaborative competition going. I suspect it is always there, but it would be interesting to exchange info on what we both do, how it is similar and how it is different. We might be able to give each other ideas that improve both efforts. 
2) It’s about time to start planning the 2019 effort. It should contain ideas to improve operations on the low bands. With 10 and 15 pretty much out of play (10 more than 15), 40 and 80 are even more important to our results.

In any case, we can pat ourselves on the back for a very short time (don’t hurt that keying arm, though) before we get started on next year.

And with the number of spotless days for the year officially at 60% today, and the percentage guaranteed to be above 51% overall for the year, perhaps we need to take up a collection to buy some sun spots.

Seriously, congrats to K6EI, K0XI and the folks who put this together, and all of team WVARA for the effort involved in setting yet another record.

Jack, W6FB