All posts by wvara

Annual Holiday party

Wednesday, December 12th, WVARA is Having it’s Annual Holiday Party.We will be meeting at the American Red Cross, on the corner of 1st Street And Plumeria At 7:00pm in our usual meeting room. The affair is, as usual, a “Pot Luck” where we are treated to some Great “Special” dishes that our members bring to delight our tastebuds each year! People with Last Names beginning A-M please bring a “Main Dish” And People whose Last Names beginning M-Z Please bring a dessert! 

We have some Great “Door Prizes” this year, with some “One-Of-A-Kind” Items That Have Never Been Available At Any Of our Holiday Parties in years past! 

Please arrive early, to help set-up the tables if you can. All members And their guests are Welcome to attend our Holiday Party, So Come One And Come All, To our Best Party Of the Year! 

Hope to see You There! -73-Bill N6FFC 2019 Vice President elect West Valley Amateur Radio Association — 

QST FD Results

The December issue of QST came out today in digital form. It contains the Field Day results.

The top four:
W3AO 33942 15A
W4EZ 21645 9AB
K6EI        19720 14AB
W4IY 16988 9A

We were just under 2000 points behind W4EZ, while Watching 4IY was a bit less than 3000 points behind us.
A couple of thoughts –
1) it might be interesting to get with the EZ folks and see if we can get a friendly / collaborative competition going. I suspect it is always there, but it would be interesting to exchange info on what we both do, how it is similar and how it is different. We might be able to give each other ideas that improve both efforts. 
2) It’s about time to start planning the 2019 effort. It should contain ideas to improve operations on the low bands. With 10 and 15 pretty much out of play (10 more than 15), 40 and 80 are even more important to our results.

In any case, we can pat ourselves on the back for a very short time (don’t hurt that keying arm, though) before we get started on next year.

And with the number of spotless days for the year officially at 60% today, and the percentage guaranteed to be above 51% overall for the year, perhaps we need to take up a collection to buy some sun spots.

Seriously, congrats to K6EI, K0XI and the folks who put this together, and all of team WVARA for the effort involved in setting yet another record.

Jack, W6FB

FD Results

Not only did WVARA score #3 nationwide, we also succeeded in setting a new all-time record for the 14 Alpha Battery category.  (Our East Coast friends at W4EZ likewise set a new record for 9 Alpha Battery.)
One obvious question: does WVARA want to pursue a new Field Day category record in 2019?

December Meeting Wednesday, December 13th

We all spend the year getting on the air in new ways, in new places, with new modulation modes, with new toys, and with new friends. This meeting is centered on this last item: friends. There will be no guest speaker, but there will be food, prizes, and (hopefully) many stories of good times on the air as part of our annual free-form holiday party.
The meeting place is the same as always (San Jose Red Cross). The meeting time is the same as always (7pm), though anyone coming to help setup is invited to join us at 6pm.
There is no planned pre-meeting for food, since, well, this meeting has lots of it there.
See you Wednesday!


It’s not to late to add your name to the list of folks getting the new WVARA mug to be produced locally by WVARA club member Brian Goldberg, KG6BKI. We’ll be charging $12 per mug and will be giving Brian the final order list immediately after next month’s Holiday Party.  So be sure to let me know if you would like a mug.  (You can pay Peri, our club treasurer, when you pick up your mug at January’s meeting.)   

Field Day results are here!

ARRL released the latest QST at their web site today. Among other things, it contains the results for Field Day 2017.

To say the least, “we did good”. Our score of 19350 in 13AB was the 4th highest score, just 410 points behind 3rd-place W4EZ (9AB).
W4IY (12A) scored 20930, still pretty close. First place was once again held by W3AO down to just 16A, at 39430, about twice our score!
(How do they do that every year???).

Interesting that W4EZ and ourselves were the only AB stations in the top 10. I guess the other guys need power to do the job.

Congrats to all, it not only was a fine effort under trying propagation conditions, but a very fun one as well. Especially thanks to Bobbie and Bill for their organization efforts! May this years Field Day be even more fun, and please someone arrange for some sunspots for that weekend.

Jack, W6FB

To CQ or not to CQ…that is the question.

This particular question will be answered by our very own Bill Fehring, who will take us through space weather and how it affects terrestrial propagation. In the end, the question we all consider when turning on a rig is “How will the bands be today?” Bill will take us through some online resources that work to predict band performance based not on beacon networks, but on the solar activity of our little corner of the universe. He will help us understand how to interpret the data they present in order to answer that question, what metrics are used, and hopefully allow us some better experiences during this low period of sunspot activity.
As well, this Wednesday evening will be your chance to participate in some home grown democracy while you vote for next year’s WVARA officers.

Mission 29, October 21, 2017


Mission 29 is scheduled to take place October 21, 2017 in Conjunction with PACIFICON, ARRL’s Pacific Division Convention.  Make a contact with a skydiver and receive a one of a kind QSL card.
The mission will take place at Bay Area Skydiving in Byron, CA.  Come on by and visit us.
If you are attending PACIFICON come by our table and say hi.
We hope to have our first jump soon after 10:00 A.M.
FM QSO: 146.430 MHz
HF QSO: 14.250 MHz
D-Star: TBD
APRS: Track the individual skydivers by call sign; AF6IM, KC6TYD, W7BIG
Streaming video: Several point of views will be available including air-to-ground. Log into:
Parachute Mobile will be acting as Net Control atop Mt Diablo. ETJs (estimated time of jump) will be announced periodically as will as other mission specific information. Updates will also be made on the W6CX repeater at 147.060 +100. Not in repeater range? No problem. Updates will be made here on the website and on our Facebook page.
We make every effort to record your QSO. To ensure that you receive your QSL card please email indicating which jumper, the jump number, and the time you made your contact.
For updates go to
As always, we do not have control over Drop Zone, aircraft, and the weather, so this event is subject to delay or cancellation.
Bill Frantz