Net Control Script

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(Remember to count all check ins for use at the end. The meeting dates are listed in groups near the bottom of the script. If you circle the next meeting date, it might help you.)

Good evening, this is (NAME, CALL SIGN), Net Control this evening for the West Valley Amateur Radio Association net, on the W6PIY repeaters. This net may be broken at any time for emergency or priority traffic. (pause)

(If anyone has priority traffic at any time, yield to them and continue the net afterward.)

This net meets each Tuesday evening at 2030 hours on the W6PIY repeaters. The Association maintains repeaters on six-meters, two-meters, two-twenty-three, four-forty-one and twelve hundred eighty-six megaHertz. All repeaters are cross-linked during the nets. The repeaters are all located at Good Samaritan Hospital in San Jose, California. For additional details on the frequencies and ctcss tones, go to our web site, W-V-A-R-A dot O-R-G. (pause)

Visitors and guests are always welcome to check into our net, and we will call on you in a few minutes.

Are there any officer or committee reports for the net this evening? (pause)

Member check ins. Please give your call sign, name and city, and advise if you have any QSTs, swaps, wants or traffic.

Members with callsign suffixes beginning with ALPHA through LIMA, please check in now. (pause) (In each case, repeat until there is no response)

Members with callsign suffixes beginning with MIKE through ZULU, please check in now. (pause)

Any members not already acknowledged, entire alphabet, please check in now. (pause)

Guests and Visitors are welcome to check in to our net. Please give your call sign, name and city, and advise if you have any QSTs, swaps, wants or traffic. Guests and Visitors, please check in now. (pause)
(repeat until there is no response)

(Call on stations with QSTs, swaps, wants or other traffic. If there are none, skip.)

Is there any other traffic for the net? (pause) (repeat until there is no response)

Jan – Jun 2022: The next meeting of the West Valley Amateur Radio Association will be on Wednesday (Jan 12, Feb 9, Mar 9, Apr 13, May 11, Jun 8), the 2nd Wednesday of the month, at 1900 hours local time via Zoom. at the Silicon Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross, located at 2731 N. First Street at Plumeria (between Trimble and Montague Expwy) in San Jose.

Jul – Aug 2022: The Association has a Barbeque instead of a meeting for July/August. The Barbeque will be held on Saturday, Aug 20 at 1100-1400 hours local time at (site TBD, usually Sunnyvale’s Baylands Park).

Sep – Nov 2022: The next meeting of the West Valley Amateur Radio Association will be on Wednesday (Sep 14, Oct 12, Nov 9), the 2nd Wednesday of the month, at 1900 hours local time via Zoom. at the Silicon Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross, located at 2731 N. First Street at Plumeria (between Trimble and Montague Expwy) in San Jose.

December 2022: The Association has a Holiday Party instead of a meeting in December. The Holiday Party will be held on Wednesday, Dec TBD, setup at 6:00pm, dinner at 7:00pm at the regular meeting location.

Thank you for checking in. Additional information about the Association’s meetings can be found on the home page under “Getting Involved with WVARA”, and a link to current and back issues of the club bulletin, called “The Heterodyne”, can be found under the “News” menu on our web site, at W-V-A-R-A dot O-R-G.

This is (NAME, CALL SIGN) closing the W6PIY repeater net at (TIME) with (NUMBER) checkins. Thanks for checking in, and 73!


WVARA Net Control Script, revised 2/1/22 (annual update by W6PK).