January 8th, 2025 meeting

Our next WVARA meeting will be held in-person on Wednesday, January 8, in Meeting Room 3 at the Silicon Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross, 2731 N. First Street at Plumeria Drive (southwest corner) in San Jose.  Social time begins around 6:45pm, with the meeting commencing at 7pm.  If you haven’t been to the Red Cross in a while, “talk-in” is usually available on the Association’s repeaters. Best choice would be 2m/220.  

This month’s presenter will be Jim DeLoach, WU0I.   Jim is an AMSAT Ambassador and is enthusiastic about amateur satellite communications.  This presentation will be based on his excellent PACIFICON presentation (“How to Build a Satellite ‘Roving’ Station for Your Next Road Trip or POTA Activation”).  Be sure to check out his new Amateur Radio Satellite Resources webpage.

Jim is a Silicon Valley wireless and location technology systems engineer specializing in data analytics, field testing, product definition, and tools development.  Jim and XYL Maggie (KK6DZS) are WVARA members, live in Sunnyvale, and love to travel.   

BTW, several of us meet nearby for dinner prior to the meeting at 5:30pm at Disn-N-Dash (2551 N. 1st St. San Jose):  https://dishdash.com. Feel free to join us.

Three things to remember:
• Since the west side entrance to the Red Cross Building is always locked, we recommend entering the Red Cross Building through the main entrance situated on the north side of the building.
• The Red Cross locks the main entrance at 7pm sharp, so please come early in order to get access to the building.  
• Since Meeting Room 3 is about 100 feet from any entrance, any late comers who knock on an outside door won’t be heard from our meeting room.  So please try to arrive early!  

Jim, K6EI
WVARA Vice President

WVARA Holiday BBQ Party December 8

 WVARA Holiday BBQ: 

When: Noon to 3pm, Sunday Dec 8

Where: Silicon Valley Red Cross Building Patio on the east-facing side of the facility. We can shift indoors to Room 3 if it rains. The Red Cross building is at 2731 N. First Street at Plumeria Drive (southwest corner) in San Jose.

There won’t be an evening WVARA meeting in December. Instead, we are having a Holiday BBQ. We’ll have hot charcoal and condiments — please bring your own meat to grill, and maybe a desert or side dish to share.

And of course, the WVARA tradition of drawings for Holiday Door Prizes is good to go. Every attending member in good standing gets one ticket for the door prizes drawing ( you must be present to win ). 

If your WVARA membership has lapsed, there’s no better time than the present to renew. You can do this on-line at: [https://wvara.org/wordpress/membership/]