This month’s WVARA meeting will be at 7pm on Wednesday, April 13, via Zoom. Zoom details can be found at the end of this email. (By the way, this will be our last meeting via Zoom. Beginning in May, we will be back at the Red Cross Building. More details to come.)
Our original April speaker, Stan Dye, has asked to be rescheduled to our June meeting. So instead, this month we’ll be learning all about how to get active on 160 meters.

Our April 13 presentation will be all about Top Band — the 160 meters band. We’ll discuss the features that make this band unique, including several myths about this mysterious. We’ll also cover ideas for how the average city dweller can install an effective antenna on this band.

Our speaker is none other than Jim Peterson, K6EI, WVARA’s Vice President. Jim holds the Pacific Division’s all-time top score in the ARRL 160 contest (QRP category) and has been active on this band for over three decades. He has an MSEE focused on electromagnetic and signal processing from Ohio State and spent 38 years at ESL / TRW / Northrop Grumman.