When: 11am – 1pm, Saturday, December 18
Where: Sunnyvale’s Baylands Park, near Pickleweed Place
(Sunnyvale doesn’t take reservations during the winter, and so all picnic areas are on a first-come-first-served basis. We plan to be at a picnic site near Pickleweed.)
There won’t be an evening WVARA meeting in December. Instead, we are having a Holiday BBQ. Our location includes multiple tables, grill, and an AC outlet. We’ll have hot charcoal and condiments — please bring your own meat to grill.
And of course, the WVARA tradition of a Holiday Raffle is good to go. Santa Claus (better known as club treasurer Russ WD9DD) is making arrangements for some great door prizes at the BBQ. So be there or be square!
BTW, let me know if you are interested in volunteering to set up a VHF station for event coordination through the WVARA repeater
– Jim, K6EI