Electronics Flea Market

Hello West Valley members,

As you are planning your family’s summer schedule, please keep in mind that West Valley ARA has the concession for the Electronics Flea Market on Saturday, September 14th.

We will set up the parking lot, deploy out garbage cans, set up tables and the refreshment tent, sell cold drinks, coffee and doughnuts and clean up afterwards.  As such, we will need as much help as possible. Many hands spread the work around.

As many of you know, WVARA does not meet in July or August and the September meeting will be just a few days before the Flea Market, so as the time approaches, reminders will be posted and sign-ups will be solicited.  This is our major fund-raising effort for the year.

Please remember, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2019 at Fry’s Electronics in Sunnyvale, starts early.


Dave Schultheis
WB6KHP San Jose
Director, WVARA