It’s not to late to add your name to the list of folks getting the new WVARA mug to be produced locally by WVARA club member Brian Goldberg, KG6BKI. We’ll be charging $12 per mug and will be giving Brian the final order list immediately after next month’s Holiday Party.  So be sure to let me know if you would like a mug.  (You can pay Peri, our club treasurer, when you pick up your mug at January’s meeting.)   

Field Day results are here!

ARRL released the latest QST at their web site today. Among other things, it contains the results for Field Day 2017.

To say the least, “we did good”. Our score of 19350 in 13AB was the 4th highest score, just 410 points behind 3rd-place W4EZ (9AB).
W4IY (12A) scored 20930, still pretty close. First place was once again held by W3AO down to just 16A, at 39430, about twice our score!
(How do they do that every year???).

Interesting that W4EZ and ourselves were the only AB stations in the top 10. I guess the other guys need power to do the job.

Congrats to all, it not only was a fine effort under trying propagation conditions, but a very fun one as well. Especially thanks to Bobbie and Bill for their organization efforts! May this years Field Day be even more fun, and please someone arrange for some sunspots for that weekend.

Jack, W6FB

To CQ or not to CQ…that is the question.

This particular question will be answered by our very own Bill Fehring, who will take us through space weather and how it affects terrestrial propagation. In the end, the question we all consider when turning on a rig is “How will the bands be today?” Bill will take us through some online resources that work to predict band performance based not on beacon networks, but on the solar activity of our little corner of the universe. He will help us understand how to interpret the data they present in order to answer that question, what metrics are used, and hopefully allow us some better experiences during this low period of sunspot activity.
As well, this Wednesday evening will be your chance to participate in some home grown democracy while you vote for next year’s WVARA officers.